Sami Sunshine Foundation

A non profit 501c3 organization that bridges the gap between school services and adult services. After the school services end many  special need adults are in need of assistance while waiting for the State waivers. That is where the Sami Sunshine Foundation comes in. 

We assist by providing grants, scholarships, equipment, etc. The caregivers can then get help with day programs, at home care, transportation to and from jobs, equipment and much  more. 

By donating to this cause you are helping us change lives and create sunshine in the lives of these very special people. 

Thank you in advance for helping us help adults with special needs live their best life 

1st Sami Sunshine Scholarship Recipent: $5000

Shane Barnes

2nd Sami Sunshine Scholarship Recipent: $5000

Kyle Stewart

3rd Sami Sunshine Scholarship Recipent: $2000

Justin McMullen 

4th Sami Sunshine Scholarship Recipent: $5000

Brittany Jackson

Click below to apply for assistance from The Sami Sunshine Foundation